Recently I've had an idea to bring new art to my high school. I've been thinking about working on a piece for my schools red hallway. The design that I've had in mind is something that says, "TIGERS". I could make it all capitalized with an outline first. Next, I could fill it in with black because the wall is already white. After the fill in, I can put on orange stripes in the letters, giving it that tiger's look. After the stripes are in, I can than outline the piece with white, bringing the letters to life and giving them their shape again.
After all of this is done, I can get into more detailed work. I could create it so its 3D looking; I can add a glow effect, shading to different color if I wanted. With the letters, I can draw a tiger or tiger eyes above the lettering. If I wanted to get really into detail with this, I could have the tiger looking like its busting out from the wall behind, and have the lettering kinda all busted up but still readable.
I'm still deciding how big this piece would be. I've got an idea that each letter might be 4 feet high and 2 1/2 to 3 feet wide. But these are just my ideas that I have right now. I could come up with something better in a little bit but I'd like to know what you would like to see in the design.
I've spoken to my principal at school to see if this would be allowed and we both agreed that this would be a new good thing for our school. Hopefully if completed and happens, it creates more tiger spirit throughout the school body. I look forward to this project because this will be my toughest one yet and I'll also be leaving my mark on the school.
Do you want graffiti at your school?
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